#MSTtechtalk S1 Ep2 - How to get more out of your technology underground

We are back with another episode in the MST Global Technology Series – #MSTtechtalk. Today’s topic: How to get more out of your technology underground.

Hosted by Nicolette Baker, this series is a deep dive into our approach around solving industry needs whilst sharing our customer stories.

Episode two is another conversation with Denis Kent, Product Manager who has been with the business for over 30 years.

Denis has a wealth of knowledge in the industry and helped bring our first product the PED system to market in 1989.

Connect with Denis on LinkedIn.

Connect with our Host, Nicolette Baker, MST Global Marketing Manager.


  • Why are the challenges so steep in the underground environment compared to the surface?
  • What do you suggest underground mines do when they are looking at upgrading their current systems?
  • And more…

April 7, 2020