MST Global present at PERUMIN 2022

From September 26 to 30 2022, PERUMIN, one of the most important mining conventions in the Americans, will be hosted in Arequipa, Peru.

On this occasion, Australia, through the Australian Trade Commission – Austrade, will be the inaugural partner country, and MST Global will be one of its collaborators.

Since the end of 2021, MST Global is proud to have inaugurated MST Global Peru, a Commercial and Technical office whose objective is to continue supporting our clients in Peru that have been using MST’s products and solutions for many years.

The central theme of the Australian presence for PERUMIN 2022 will be to promote technologies and innovations provided by Australian METS companies under the banner: “Australia: Mining of the future”. It is under these concepts of technology and innovation that MST will present its solutions.

In the company of our partner – Austrade, we are looking forward to seeing you at the Australian pavilion No. 1290, where our Business Development Manager for LATAM, Luis Alberto Gutiérrez, will be able to present our solutions for Voice and Data Communications; Tracking of people and teams; Proximity systems, Telemetry and other Safety and Productivity solutions for your underground mining operations.

  • Contact:

  Luis Alberto Gutiérrez V.

  • Business Development Manager for LATAM
  • +51 971 261 999 / +56 9 3414 5817

If you’d like some more information about this event or our product range, contact our team of technical consultants today or download our information packs.

September 14, 2022