MST Global presente en PERUMIN 2022

Del 26 al 30 de septiembre se desarrollará en Arequipa, Perú, PERUMIN 2022, una de las convenciones mineras más importantes del continente Americano. En esta ocasión Australia, mediante la “Comisión Australiana de Comercio – Austrade”, será el país seleccionado para este especial honor y MST Global será uno de sus colaboradores. Desde finales de 2021, … Continued

Why your digital mine needs Proximity Detection

When vehicles and personnel are travelling on the same shared roads and pathways, there is an inherent risk of collision. This is why it’s critical that all mining, industrial and construction operations invest in a reliable Proximity Detection system that puts a stop to potential risks before they arise. At MST Global, we have engineered … Continued

MST Global set to join Komatsu family of companies

MST Global’s board of directors and senior management team are pleased to announce the agreement to sell 100% shares of MST Global (MST) to Komatsu Ltd (Komatsu). MST and Komatsu are planning to close the acquisition on July 1, 2022, on the condition that all necessary procedures for closing are completed. Over the past 30 … Continued

MST Global join Future of Mining 365

We are excited to announce that MST Global have joined the 3 million-strong online virtual mining event – Future of Mining 365 (FOM365). You can visit our virtual booth 24/7, 365 days a year. We are excited to be showcasing our software and hardware technologies that enable you to build true digital ecosystems optimised to … Continued

Welcome to MST Global’s connected digital mine.

Welcome to MST Global’s connected digital mine. In this video we demonstrate some of the ways our software and hardware combine to enable optimal performance for safety and productivity in underground mines. As an organisation, we are dedicated to creating, supporting, and extending a safe working environment for our employees, our customers and our stakeholders, … Continued

Experimente el ecosistema digital en vivo de MST en ExpoMIN

ExpoMIN regresa a Santiago, Chile y MST Global se complace en anunciar que presentaremos nuestro ecosistema digital, mediante demostraciones en vivo de nuestras soluciones de software y hardware. Encuéntrenos en el stand no. EXA08 (exterior) donde mostraremos nuestros sistemas de seguridad, productividad, seguimiento (tracking) y comunicaciones, todo impulsado por nuestra infraestructura de red avanzada. Experimente … Continued

Cómo construir una infraestructura de red adecuada bajo tierra

En un mundo centrado en lo digital, la transmisión de datos, la posibilidad de hablar con otras personas en tiempo real por teléfono o mensajería y el acceso a Wi-Fi de alta velocidad son un hecho. Esta misma ideología que tenemos en la superficie, también se aplica bajo tierra.  La seguridad y la productividad dependen … Continued

Join us at Austmine 2021 Mining Innovation Conference & Exhibition

We are excited to announce we will be returning to the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre (PCEC) this month for the Austmine 2021 Mining Innovation Conference & Exhibition. In line with this year’s conference theme Harnessing Intelligence, MST Global will be showcasing the first offerings in our next-generation geospatial digital twin software platform: HELIX . … Continued

How to Improve Safety Underground

‘Improved safety’ – it’s the label given to many mining technologies floating around the market. And it’s a claim we make here at MST Global. But what types of technologies should you be investing in to improve safety at your operation? How can operations put a stop to incidents before they occur? Let’s unpack it further.

Situational Awareness and the Digital Mine

‘Situational awareness’ is a term many of you will have heard as the industry accelerates towards digital transformation. But what exactly is it? Why has this become a buzzword, particularly in recent years, and how is it important to future-proofing your operations, improving safety, and efficiencies. Let’s begin by defining situational awareness and where this … Continued